Coupon details

Please either display this image for the restaurant or print the image and bring to the restaurant.

  • \Due to popular demand, we are running a campaign again this month!!/Draft beer for 198 yen! Highballs and sours for 298 yen!

    • Presentation conditions
      Cannot be used in conjunction with other tickets when entering the store (due to popular demand, this month too)
    • Conditions of use

      Drinks are 198 yen (excl. tax) or 298 yen (excl. tax) per drink/Any time during business hours! You can drink as many drinks as you like!/Depending on how busy it is, there is a 2-hour limit, and on Fridays, Saturdays, and days before holidays there is a 2-hour limit (last orders 30 minutes before closing)

    • Expiration date
      Until the end of September 2024

Precautions concerning use

  • Coupon information will be updated. To use coupon, please save the image using a capture tool, print out the image and bring to restaurant.

2024/08/01 update